Thursday, May 3, 2007


I think most of the people has their own superhero during thier young days, guys mostly will be Superman, Spiderman, Transformer, Thundercats, Ultraman, Masked Rider etc. Girls mostly will be Barbie, Smurfs, Carebears etc

Although i myself quite like Superman and Ultraman, but got one charactor do inspire me a lot and until today, it still can bring me back to part of my sweet childhood sometimes.. who is that character???

That is:
DORAEMON 多啦A梦 ドラえもん

Doraemon is not only a comic, the story and character do reflect the real life and also the imagination do inspire lots of people and it did bring a lot of fun, dream and sweet memories to children. (At least thats what i think.)

I have collected all 哆啦A梦1-45全集 and 1-20哆啦A梦大长篇故事集. I treat it as one of my important "asset" of my life and i tell myself i will introduce it to my son and daugther in the future one day :)

For people that wish to know more about Doraemon...

I found this link : 关于--> Doraemon 哆啦A梦.

so who is your superhero?


angel said...

My Superhero is....... Mickey Mouse!!!! Reason??? No reason... just simply love it...

I like to read/watch Doreamon cartoon too...and i still prefer to call it as 小叮当 rather than 哆啦A梦。。。ahhhh... i'm really OLD already...... haha...

Anonymous said...

I love Doraemon tooo..... :)