You can say I am 无聊, You also can say i am 变态, but i really do that all the time. Facing this reality society, everyday open the newspaper, saw those people killing each other, people cheating people, rasuah here and there, and also silly stupid politician bull shitting, stupid government doing stupid thing, end up people are suffering, Flood, Earthquake, WAR, people dying, economy drop, money not enough, hard to survive, people cracking head to learn more, work more, earn more to compete with the fast changing society etc..... really making people get crazy.
The world still have lots of thing that we can see.... still have lots of mystery undiscover thing to find out and to look for, the world is so big, so high... so deep.....
My point is... if you really stuck and can't go on with something, maybe you should step back and do something more relax, might be silly, might be easy, might be stupid, might be funny, maybe, you might found something interesting in it too.
休息是为了走更远的路,当你累了,停下你的脚步,放松心情,回头看一看走过的路,你会为自己的勇气和毅力感到自豪。。。也会更有信心的继续走下去。。。 加油吧,朋友,衷心地祝福你。。。要快乐哦。。。 ^^
Wow.. this is an interesting side of you I didn't know, although we are bro and sis!!!
Its good to know.. feels like I know u better.
Its wonderful you have your own way of chilling out, so so happy for u :)
yup... i didn't really tell i have this weird habbit, ha... anyway, sometimes i really quite enjoy it. Seeing wierd things happening in the world. Also can at least get away from this ugly society a while and relax a bit.
try this..buddy
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