Went to watch Spiderman3 with be on 1st May in Mid Valley, The cinema is full and stuck with people queuing for ticket.. luckily i bought it few days ago. I watch at 12.30 noon, and when i reach there, first time i heard cinema stuff using intercom to tell the people about the movie ticket... sound like this : Spiderman 3 for 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4pm, 5pm, 5.30pm, 6pm are all sold out.
After the movie when i came out from cinema, i heard intercom saying like this : Spiderman3 for 5pm, 5.30pm 6pm 6.30pm, 7pm 7.30pm, 8pm, 8.30pm, 9pm, 9.30pm, 10pm, 10.30pm, 11pm, 11.30pm, 12am, 12.30am are all sold out...
I think for this 2 weeks, should be Spiderman week.
how was the movie? 值回票价吗?is it the type of movie that "MUST" watch in cinema ,or just the type that can buy a dvd n sit at home,watch comfortably ??
The movie was not bad, it haven't really make me feel too excited until keep telling people "MUST WATCH" kind of feeling, the CG and action part do 值回票价, but overall, i can say it was not bad, watch big screen should be more excited... the movie quite long, around 2 hours 20 minutes. I think i will buy pirated DVD 9 for collection. (shhh...)
I read the review on paper seem like not bad. hehehe... actually Spiderman is my favour :)
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