Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thats Incredible~~

Body builder we really see a lot, every year we can see a lot of body building competition... and of cause, Arnold Schwarzenegger's body can consider one of the "Beauty of art on body"...

Below are some photos which is "another" kind of beauty of art, but not on man's body.

Train a incredible dog in your house, garanttee nobody dare to walk near to your house gate.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I think for those who love japanese animation/cartoons also know the famous "Totoro 龙猫" by 宫崎骏 and i believe a lot of people loves that movie.

Anyway... In this movie, there is a classic scene about the little girl meet the "Totoro" at the bus stop while waiting for her father arrival... after a while Totoro's bus came first (which is 猫巴士) and Totoro went up its bus and go off... and below is the funny version.

please click on the image to enlarge. (please read in cantonese way) Enjoy.